
REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS ** Changes to legislation **

REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS ** Changes to legislation **

June 13, 2024

Due to changes in legislation around the dispensing of restricted veterinary medicines, we have had to implement changes in the way we dispense our repeat medications to our pet owners.

We will now strictly require 24 hours’ notice to pick up repeat medications.

It would be much appreciated if you could please take this into consideration by phoning (07 888 8197) or emailing (small@matavet.co.nz) at least one day in advance with your pet’s medication requirements.

We do not want you to be disappointed when we are unable to fill your script immediately, so please ensure you plan ahead of time.

Are your pets vaccinations up to date for the summer holidays?

October 8, 2023

This is just a timely reminder that if you are planning to put your pets into kennels or catteries over the summer holidays, it is a good idea to check their vaccination books now to make sure their vaccinations are up to date. In some instances, if the vaccination has lapsed by more than a few weeks, we may need to give 2 lots of vaccinations 1 month apart. We would hate to see this left too late and potentially interfere with your pet’s ability to go to the kennels or cattery.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at the clinic if you do not have your vaccination book but need to check your pet’s vaccination status.

Proud to again pass our recent BEST PRACTICE audit

February 27, 2023

MVS Small Animals has been a BESTPRACTICE Accredited Practice since 2012.

The NZ Veterinary Association BESTPRACTICE Scheme is a voluntary accreditation programme for Vet Clinics in NZ and promotes a high standard of professionalism and service.

Our practice is audited by an independent auditor every 2 years.  This programme focuses on ongoing evaluation of practice protocols for maintaining a high level of excellence in surgical, medical, diagnostic and nursing fields.

Thanks to our great team, for achieving and being part of this fantastic recognition from the NZ Veterinary Association.

Farewell Dr Alex

February 9, 2023

We would like to take opportunity to thank and farewell Alex.
Alex has been an integral part of the team and will be missed by both clients and staff alike. We have enjoyed having Alex here and would like to wish him all the best on the rest his travels and his return trip home.
Many thanks from the Small Animal Team

Patient: Augustus

December 5, 2022

This is Augustus a 3-year-old Tonkinese cat. Augustus has lived a life of luxury, being carried by his servant (7-year-old Madi pictured here) wherever his heart may desire, getting fed tid bits and table scraps and conning multiple family members into feeding him on a daily basis. At his annual health check 6 months ago, he weighed in at 7.5kg. He was given a body condition score of 6/9 which indicated Augustus was 30% overweight.
In veterinary medicine, we know that good nutrition and a healthy body weight can prevent many unnecessary diseases in animals. This prevents pain and suffering which leads to a better quality of life and a longer life-span. So, at Matamata Veterinary Services we provide advice on how to calculate a healthy weight for your pets and a plan on how to achieve this healthy weight.
Augustus’ owners were very dedicated to help him achieve a goal weight of 5.2kg. He was put onto a weight loss food and the amount to be fed daily was calculated. His owners measured this amount every morning on their kitchen scales and put it into a container, so that everyone in the family knew if he had been fed that day or not. Toys were allocated to help Augustus do more exercise and to make him work for his food (just like wild cats). We are extremely happy to announce that Augustus is achieving his weight loss goals and is now down to a much healthier 6.5kg.
Well done to Augustus and his family. Maintaining a healthy weight for your animals comes down to dedication and commitment from owners and the knowledge that keeping your animal at a healthy weight will help prevent future disease and allow you to enjoy your pet for longer.
See photo for some ways to encourage your cat to work for their food. This helps to increase calories burnt and build up muscle just like cats in the wild.

Patient: Oscar

September 20, 2022

Oscar and his 9 lives!
Oscar is an adorable young cat who has already been through more than his fair share of troubles. A severe dog attack left him needing intensive hospitalization and amputation of a back leg. Oscar recovered from this trauma and didn’t look back- until ….
One day, Oscar was vomiting lots, and not interested in eating. He was also uncomfortable when we felt his abdomen. Another stay in hospital, and some X-rays of the abdomen followed. The X-ray showed suspicious bunching of the intestines. Oscar was taken to surgery. We performed an exploratory laparotomy – where the abdomen is opened and explored – to give more information about the cause of his symptoms.
In surgery, we saw that Oscar’s small intestines were abnormally bunched up, and we could feel something within them, tracking all the way back to the stomach.
This is termed a linear foreign body- any long, thin non-food item such as string that is in the gastrointestinal tract. Linear foreign bodies are more commonly seen in cats, and have the potential to cause serious complications. If one end of the string becomes anchored (for example in the stomach) and the free end trails into the intestines, as the intestines attempt to move the string along, they will end up bunching themselves up (imagine holding one end of a drawstring on trackpants and pushing the material up along the string). This can lead to the string cutting into the delicate intestine, and cause peritonitis, which is life-threatening.
We were able to remove all the string by making small openings into the stomach and intestines to remove the string in sections. Luckily, Oscar’s intestines all still looked healthy.
Oscar recovered very well from surgery and was eating again the next day- what a trooper! We are hoping that from now on he won’t need to use any more of his 9 lives!!

Patient Pablo

August 15, 2022

Cute little Pablo came into the clinic for a checkup as he had suddenly started a hacking cough and clearing his throat.

These symptoms can be due to many different things. Pablo had not responded to anti-inflammatory medication prescribed, so we decided to do a little more investigation and gave Pablo a short general anesthetic. This allowed us to have a close look at the back of the throat and a little way into the nasopharynx (where the back of the nasal passages joins to the back of the throat). Using a retractor, we could look a little way behind the soft palate and noticed a tip of a grass blade peeking out!

We were able to remove the grass blade gently – it was much larger than expected. Such a long blade of grass hiding in the nasopharynx of a tiny puppy- no wonder he was coughing and snorting!

Foreign material becoming stuck in the nasopharynx can sometimes happen- a pet may eat then vomit grass or insects, which then get stuck behind the soft palate rather than coming out of the mouth. Symptoms can include retching, gagging, or coughing. Sometimes the symptoms are more noticeable when the pet is eating and swallowing.

We can often find the foreign material by having a look right at the back of the mouth under general anesthesia. Sometimes more advanced imaging such as endoscopy (using a little camera) or a CT scan to look deeper into the nasopharynx is required.

Have a look through the photos to see the blade of grass in the mouth and its size when removed.

For those interested, Pablo’s breed is a Griffon.

Visiting us under Level Red of the COVID protection framework:

February 9, 2022

We are doing our very best to continue to provide excellent care and services to you and your pets.

It is however becoming increasingly important that we do everything we can to limit potential exposure of COVID to our clients and within our staff.

If a Covid case should occur within our staff, we run the risk of being unable to open and therefore being unable to offer any of our services (including emergencies) for an ongoing period of time.

It is for this reason we ask you to please understand why we are so strict with our rules.

Please remember:

  • Scan in on arrival.
  • Always wear a mask.
  • Phone or email ahead to order medications to minimise time in the clinic.
  • Vaccine pass required to enter consultation rooms.
  • Only one client per consultation (unless exceptional circumstances).
  • If there are too many people in the clinic, we may ask you to wait outside.
  • Please be aware how close you are to others and staff.
  • If you are feeling unwell, coughing, sneezing or fever – please reschedule your appointment.

Thank you for supporting us as we navigate through these difficult times, we understand this can all seem very impersonal but please trust we are doing our very best to protect everyone and ensure we can continue to operate.

Take care

The MVS Small Animal Team

Covid-19 Level 2

September 7, 2021

From Wednesday 8th September our doors will be open again and you and your pets are able to visit.

 We would just like to remind you of what our services will look like to ensure we all stay safe:

Masks are to be worn at all times in the clinic.  Please keep over 2 metres from all staff and other clients.

QR code scanning or signing the contact register is compulsory.

Please don’t be offended when we ask you screening questions about illness or COVID contact
Please do not come to the clinic if you are feeling sick or unwell

Veterinary Care

  • Please phone ahead to make a booking for all veterinary appointments.
  • When you arrive please phone from the carpark.
  • Please wait in the car until instructed to come in for your appointment.
  • Ideally only one person per consult.
  • Please remain 2 metres away from the veterinarian in consult unless otherwise advised.

Shop sales

  • Please enter the shop only if you can reasonably see you are able stay 2 metres from other clients who are already in the shop.
  • Contactless pick up can be arranged on request.


  • Please continue to use small@matavet.co.nz to request prescriptions, we will contact you to confirm when your prescription has been dispensed.

Thank you in advance for following these protocols to help keep us all safe.
We appreciate your continued understanding in these challenging times.
Take care

The Small animal team

MVS Small Animal Veterinary Services Alert Level 4 Extension

August 23, 2021

Thank you everyone for your support in this lockdown, we are doing our very best to continue veterinary essential services.  A few important points to remember so we can all stay safe.

  • Please call ahead for all emergencies, appointments, and medication or product pick up.
  • The clinic is NOT OPEN to the public.
  • You will be given a specific time for pet drop off or product pick up.
  • Please wear a mask.
  • Please scan in.
  • Emergencies :  Unwell and injured pets – 24 hours 7 days a week.
  • Non Emergency Service: Including any problem that would compromise animal wellbeing if not seen, ongoing case management, post op checks, euthanasia.
  • Prescriptions: Please email small@matavet.co.nz or phone the clinic on 078888197 to request a prescription.  Please allow 48 hours notice.
  • Food, Flea and Worm Treatment: These can be ordered preferably via email.   Please remember to order as normal, we do not have any stock supply issues.
  • NOTE: If your pet needs to be seen you will be provided a time to visit the clinic. Please arrive in the car park and call us from your car with your car registration number and then wait in your car, we will direct you from there.  Ensure you maintain a 2m distance from person to person.  Pets will be taken from their owners to be examined and treated by Veterinary Staff.
For any non emergency queries please email small@matavet.co.nz and we will attempt to answer you in a 48 hour period
When we have a level change we will endeavour as soon as possible to give you further information on available services. 
Stay strong and be kind
The Small Animal Team.


Best Practices

© Matamata Veterinary Services 2023