
April 9, 2018

Genetic testing is becoming increasingly common in veterinary medicine and offers many opportunities for breeder and pet owners. It must be remembered however that the heritability is not always as simple as carriers and non carriers. Many traits can be linked or have multiple factors involved that influence whether a factor is expressed or not.

Interpreting the results needs to be done with an understanding of the limitations of the test and taking into account the whole picture of the individual animal and specific breed. We are more than happy to help you work through these discussions and decisions after testing has been done.

The health of a litter can be optimized by screening for genetic disorders in apparently healthy animals prior to mating, as many genetic disorders are recessive, meaning a dog can be a carrier and not show any signs.


Genetic Diseases:

Select from an extensive panel of individual genetic disorders. Select for a single disease or screen for a number of disorders.


Full Breed profile:

Ensures all of the breed specific diseases and traits are included. All Full Breed Profiles also include a DNA Profile



Also referred to as a DNA Fingerprint or Unique Identity Profile, a DNA Profile is unique for your animal and is used to verify the animal and also to determine parentage. A DNA Profile allows you to verify any mating, an external stud service, ensure correct semen insemination and confirm any dual sire litters.


  • Samples must be provided by all possible sires, puppies and dam. Please Note: If submitting possible multiple sire parentage, YOU MUST follow the Approved Collection Method for sample collection as set out by your member body.


Genetic Traits:

Trait testing allows breeders to select and predict for particular desirable or undesirable phenotypes – coat colours & types. Select and screen for any specific coat colour test – Agouti (A), Brown (B), Dilute (D), Extension (E), Harlequin (H), Dominant Black (K) and Spotting (W) Loci, as well as other phenotypes such as hair (LHG FGF5) and tail (T-Box) length.


Breed ID:

Reveals the breed/s that make up your dog. This comprehensive test reports % of the breeds that determines the pet’s ancestry


Testing is very simple and can be undertaken in a consultation where a mouth swab is taken from the inside of the animal’s cheek, one from each side.

To ensure we don’t get cross contamination your pet must not have eaten for 2 hours and not had a drink for 30 mins prior to the sample being taken.


  • Results can take 5-6 weeks to return during busy times so please allow for this when you are planning for matings.


For bookings or further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us on 07 888 8197

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