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Following another week of cold overnight temperatures…..
May 17, 2019
…we have seen the spore counts on most of our monitor farms fall below the critical thresh-hold. We will continue to monitor spores as they are brought to us but this will be our last regular spore count bulletin. If we get any results of concern we will send out an urgent bulletin.
Grass samples tested this week from the MVS Monitor Farms have shown the following :
Hinuera Monitor Farm – 6,700 spores/gram
Matamata Monitor Farm – unable to provide
Te Poi Monitor Farm – 35,000 spores/gram
Tirau Monitor Farm – unable to provide
Walton Monitor Farm – unable to provide
This week we only had one high spore count in Te Poi on a paddock that had previously been very high. We will monitor these next week to ensure it continues this trend downwards.