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Spore count results for this week
May 6, 2016
Spore count results for grass samples brought into the clinic for testing this week are as follows:
- Hinuera – Nil (low risk) on 03.05.2016
- Hinuera West – 50,000 (high) on 05.5.2016
- Matamata – 255,000 (high) on 03.05.2016 and Nil (low risk) on 05.05.2016
- Peria – 145,000 (high) on 05.05.2016
- Richmond Downs – 20,000 (slight) on 03.05.2016 and 04.05.2016
- Te Poi – 10,000 (low risk) on 04.05.2016
Unseasonably warm weather still supports spore development (warm, humid conditions with night-time temperatures >13 degrees Celsius). Ensure you continue with zinc administration to protect stock from Facial Eczema.
Supplies of Solutrace-FE for water are still available, plus limited supplies of Face-Guard zinc boluses.
Other options include:
- Include alternative feeds to reduce spore intakes
- Aim to have high residuals, taking care not to run yourself out of feed
- Try to avoid ‘hot’ pastures. Bring in grass samples identify hot pastures
- Check if zinc can be incorporated into the meal
- Spraying fungicides will not reduce the spores currently present, but you get benefits in the weeks to come