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Spore count results for this week

May 6, 2016

Spore count results for grass samples brought into the clinic for testing this week are as follows:

  • Hinuera – Nil (low risk) on 03.05.2016
  • Hinuera West – 50,000 (high) on 05.5.2016
  • Matamata – 255,000 (high) on 03.05.2016 and Nil (low risk) on 05.05.2016
  • Peria – 145,000 (high) on 05.05.2016
  • Richmond Downs – 20,000 (slight) on 03.05.2016 and 04.05.2016
  • Te Poi – 10,000 (low risk) on 04.05.2016

Unseasonably warm weather still supports spore development (warm, humid conditions with night-time temperatures >13 degrees Celsius). Ensure you continue with zinc administration to protect stock from Facial Eczema.

Supplies of Solutrace-FE for water are still available, plus limited supplies of Face-Guard zinc boluses.

Other options include:

  1. Include alternative feeds to reduce spore intakes
  2. Aim to have high residuals, taking care not to run yourself out of feed
  3. Try to avoid ‘hot’ pastures. Bring in grass samples identify hot pastures
  4. Check if zinc can be incorporated into the meal
  5. Spraying fungicides will not reduce the spores currently present, but you get benefits in the weeks to come