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Spores are now detectable on all monitor farms, but a lack of moisture is keeping counts ‘in check’ for now…
February 8, 2019
Grass samples tested this week from the MVS Monitor Farms have shown the following :
- Hinuera – 6,600 spores/gram
- Matamata – 4,000 spores/gram
- Te Poi – 6,600 spores/gram
- Tirau – 10,000 spores/gram
- Walton – 11,600 spores/gram
While these spore counts are not currently considered a significant challenge, rain (when it does arrive) will trigger an explosive increase in spore counts. Make sure you are prepared.
Remember to see us first for competitive prices on all your zinc requirements this season.
Phone Abby and Gavin in our Retail Team on 07 888 8197 to pre-order your zinc boluses now.