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9 Crucial Dog Safety Tips For The Kids

November 12, 2018


As the weather warms up we are all getting out and about with out pets. This means more dogs in public places and more contact with both dogs and children.


Dog Safety:

Some Dogs for a variety of reasons don’t like other dogs or strangers approaching them. They may be fearful, be recovering from surgery or be a rescue or shelter dog that hasn’t been sufficiently trained yet. 

 A great idea that has been initiated in conjunction with the Yellow Dog Project is that these dogs wear YELLOW RIBBONS on their leads. This is a visual way to tell others to please stay away with their dogs.

It is best to try and keep your dogs on lead in public places to avoid negative interactions with other pets. Your dog may be very friendly and of course you trust them but it may be approaching a dog who is unsocial due to the above reasons. 

Better to be safe than sorry!


Kid Safety:

Kids and dogs often meet at the park, out walking or at friends houses. To help reduce the likelihood of a dog snapping at or harming a child here are 9 ‘must know’ dog safety tips to tell the kids:


 1. Check it’s sweet before you meet!

Before going up to a dog ask permission from its owner. Lots of dogs are friendly, but some aren’t. The owner can tell you if it is safe to go up to their dog. But still be careful. Let the dog approach you – don’t chase it if it moves away, it might not feel like meeting you that day


2. To understand – they sniff your hand!

 When meeting a dog let it sniff the back of your hand. Dogs have a sense of smell that is 50 times stronger than ours. Dogs use their sense of smell to get to know strangers. Using the back of your hand keeps your fingers out of the way. Let the dog come up to you and sniff – don’t push your hand under the dog’s nose.


3. Chin or chest – that’s the best!

After permission is given, stroke only the dog’s chin, chest or shoulders and remember to be gentle. Dogs don’t really like being pat on their heads by strangers. They might think you are trying to hurt them.


4. To meet a pup – ask a grown-up!

Ask an adult before cuddling a puppy. Mother dogs are naturally protective and may growl or snap at you to protect their puppies. But even if a puppy’s mother isn’t there, puppies can bite, jump and scratch like older dogs– so be careful and gentle. Some puppies and adult dogs don’t like being picked up and hugged or kissed.


5. If a dog has a snack – keep well back!

Stay away from a dog that is eating or has a bone. When they are eating, dogs might think you want to take some of their food if you try to pat them. They want to protect their food and may lash out.


6. Keep your face – out of their space!

Never kiss or put your face down close to a dog’s face. It’s just common sense for you to keep your face away from dog’s teeth. Even if it doesn’t want to nip you it could hurt you accidentally.


7. Don’t run and shout – it freaks us out!

Do not run around or shout near a dog. Dogs react to the way we behave. If you shout or run a dog might chase or attack you. Playing fetch or obedience games with your dog is better than playing chase or tug of war games. 


8. A dog’s not a toy – don’t tease and annoy!

Never tease, hurt or annoy a dog. Dogs can tell us to stop only by growling or biting. Don’t tease a dog by waving food or a toy in front of it – the dog might make a grab for the food or toy and hurt you by mistake.


9. Quiet and slow – is the way to go!

If you are scared of a dog, move quietly and slowly away from it. Don’t run. Stand like a tree – stand still, look at your feet and keep your arms in front of you. Don’t scream or shout. Walk away quietly and slowly. Don’t stare at the dog as you move away. If you stare, a dog might think you want to fight.