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Patient: Diesel

August 17, 2021

Diesel is a 12-year-old cat. His owner was concerned that he had eaten one of her sewing needles that had cotton attached to it as she couldn’t find the needle anywhere.

Diesel was brought into Matamata Veterinary Services to be examined. An x-ray of his abdomen was performed. This showed that indeed, Diesel had ingested the needle and it was now located in his intestinal tract.

An ultrasound was performed to ensure the needle had not punctured a hole in his intestines and caused peritonitis (inflammation and infection in the lining of the abdomen). There was no sign of peritonitis on the ultrasound, so Diesel was taken into our surgical theatre to have the needle removed.

The offending needle was located in the intestines and was removed without complication. Diesel recovered very well after surgery and went home to his elated family the next day.