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Prevent heat stress in your pet

January 18, 2017

With warmer summer temperatures, heat stress is a real risk for our pets.

Excessively high environmental temperatures can be reached in areas such as cars, garages, or kennels without shade. high body temperatures can also occur in pets after exercise, especially in those that have heavy coats, or are overweight, with young and old pets more likely to be affected. Insufficient water intake, or restricted access to water, also risk factors.

Signs of heat stroke

  • Excessive panting and drooling
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Increased heart and breathing rate

These symptoms can progress to mo0re severe signs such as wobbly uncoordinated movements, depression, muscle tremors, seizures and unconsciousness. These are signs of an emergency and can lead to massive damage to internal organs and  even death. If you find you pet with any of these signs it is important that you get them to the vet quickly.

Remember prevention is better than cure, so plan ahead

  • Don’t leave pets unattended in cars at all
  • Long-haired pets may need grooming to shorten coat
  • Ensure fresh access to water at all times that pets can’t tip over
  • Assess areas where pets are to be left for long periods i.e. kennels and how hot they get in the midday heat
  • Exercise pets in the early morning and late evening